Resident and staff member cooking together
Our approach

Person-centred care at Forest View Care

Our belief in person-centred care is the cornerstone of our philosophy and service delivery.

At Forest View Care in Childers, person-centred care is the cornerstone of our philosophy and service delivery.

This approach prioritises the individual at every stage of care - from strategic planning and service development to assessment and feedback.

By focusing on the person, we ensure that our care strategies and services are not only effective but truly resonate with the unique needs and preferences of each resident.

Many facilities and programs talk about person-centred care, but true person-centred care should be visible, it should be demonstrated by having activities that the residents enjoy and engage in, in staggered meal times and menus to meet the resident's tastes and personal schedule, in an environment where individuals can choose their time and place rather than 'fit in' with the facility.

it is about the respect and dignity shown to every individual resident, taking the time to listen to their story, to sit with them for a while, to connect them with volunteers and staff, to ensure their environment is safe and supportive and meets their desires and needs.

Staff and resident working together

What person-centred care means to us

Person-centred care means recognising and respecting every individual's rights, needs, choices, and dignity. It's about understanding that care in the latter stages of life should be profoundly personal, ensuring a sense of safety and fulfilment for each resident. 

This approach extends to every aspect of daily life within our facility. Whether it's a matter of choosing what to eat, when to shower, or how to spend the day, we believe in honouring the preferences and beliefs of our residents. Our commitment is to provide an environment where individuals can express themselves freely without feeling self-conscious, where choice and dignity are not just concepts, but lived experiences.

Staff supporting resident during activities at Forest View Care

What person-centred care means practically

Practically, this means our staff are not merely employees; they are dedicated caregivers who embody the principles of person-centred care. They work to uphold the dignity and individuality of each person, ensuring that every resident feels valued and respected. This commitment is woven into the fabric of Forest View Care, influencing every decision and action we take.

Our focus on person-centred care is a testament to our belief that care should be as unique as the individuals we serve. It's about ensuring that in their last stage of life, residents feel that their care is about them as individuals, not as numbers. It's about making sure that their rights are honoured, their needs are met, and their personal choices are respected at all times.

This balance is integral to our palliative care model, where we support the family and the resident to create an environment where they can relax and share special family moments, where family can stay overnight if they desire, where they can choose everything from music to lighting and include anyone they desire.

Discover the difference of person-centred care

To learn more about how our person-centred approach shapes our residential aged care program and how it can benefit you or your loved ones, we invite you to explore further. Feel free to visit, to ask questions of other residents and families, to spend time and watch how our staff support residents in such a warm and genuine manner.