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Board of Directors & Leadership Team

Our dedicated board & leadership team

Working to ensure our resident's are cared for to the highest standard.

At Forest View Care, our board of directors and leadership team work to ensure our core values of respect, dignity, and integrity are upheld while providing person-centred care to our residents. They ensure our care services meet the highest levels of compassion and professionalism.

Board of Directors
Leadership Team

Our Board of Directors

Forest View Childers has a dedicated team of board members. They are the driving force that has helped Forest View to achieve its goals and thrive in our community. 

Rodney Taylor

Rodney Taylor

Life member of Forest View. Born and raised in Childers, Rod was a local farmer for 30 years. After selling the farm in 2002 he started a business – Tayco Outdoor Advertising and is the current Board Chair. 

Janet Andersen

Janet Andersen

Janet holds a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and worked for several companies before moving to Childers in 1990. She and her husband are local business owners - having owned and operated self-storage facilities, a macadamia farm and until recently, the Childers Heritage Post Office & Gift Shop. Janet enjoys being involved with Forest View and having the opportunity to give back to the community. Janet is the Board Secretary.

Leone Cutler

Leone Cutler

Leone is a retired teacher who now resides in Woodgate. Almost all of her teaching career centred around the Isis District, where she taught Commerce for five years at Isis District State High School before moving into the primary sector where she taught at Childers State School for more than 25 years. Leone is Board Treasurer.

Stephen Loder
Assistant President

Stephen Loder

Life member of Forest View. Stephen has lived and worked in Childers his entire life. He is a retired local electrical contractor with a long history of community service. Over the years he has been involved with many local organisations including Apex and Rotary.

Norman Anderson

Norman Anderson

Life Member of Forest View, past member of Rural Youth, Apex (Life Member) and Rotary (Paul Harris Fellow). Norm achieved his desire to raise enough money from the community to purchase The Childers Medical Transport Hiace. Primary producer for 58 years – sugar cane plus the introduction of macadamia nuts.

Stephen Bennett

Stephen Bennett

Stephen is a local resident who started his working life cutting railway sleepers in Central Queensland. He has since worked his way through two degrees in public sector management, various construction qualifications and most recently headed up the local district office of the Department of Public Works. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Stephen was elected as the State Member for Burnett in 2012.

Sandra Illett

Sandra Illett

Sandra owns her Incontinence Nurse Practice which works across the region and has therefore supported many residents of Forest View. Her long-term nursing background will be invaluable to the Board of Forest View. Sandra is the clinical representative on the Board.

Margaret Cochrane

Margaret Cochrane

Margaret arrived in Childers in 2010 and has been a volunteer at Forest View since moving here. Margaret says “It has been my pleasure and honour to be a part of bringing joy and happiness to residents.”

Alan Brown

Alan Brown

With 30 years of Pastoral ministry, Pastor Alan brings care, wisdom and a listening ear to the Forest View committee. Alan is also a member of the Childers Chamber of Commerce. He regularly participates at Forest View and is well-known to most staff and high-care residents.

The Leadership Team at Forest View Care

The tireless dedication, collaboration and support from our leadership team have seen Forest View continue to grow in our community and have seen our employees and residents make leaps and bounds.

Julie Mayer, CEO
Chief Executive Officer

Julie Mayer

Julie has a long history of high-level management and change, she came to Forest View to work with the Board and the community to revive the team and rebuild the business and has demonstrated that over the past year. She is keen to steer the ship into the next chapter of growth and development. Her visionary leadership has taken Forest View into the next chapter with grant applications for further development of the Aged Care Facility and the Retirement Village. Her strengths in engagement have resulted in huge turnarounds in community opinion and staff morale.

Sharon O'Sullivan, Clinical Director
Clinical Director

Sharon O'Sullivan

Sharon is the Clinical Director of Forest View Facility. She has been a Registered Nurse for 40 years in a variety of clinical and management roles. She has been in the Aged Care sector for 7 years and is enjoying providing care to our residents. 

Ann Challacombe, Business Manager
Retirement Village Manager

Ann Challacombe

Ann is the Retirement Village Manager of Forest View Childers. She started her career in secretarial and banking, then spent 27 years as a stay-at-home mum and homeschooled her 9 children, before re-entering the workforce in August 2022. Ann has been the Business Manager since 2022 and has been instrumental in building robust systems and protocols in the various arms of the business.

Justin Christie, Care Manager
Operations Manager

Justin Christie

Justin Christie joined Forest View coming from an Aged Care and Disability background for the past 7 years. During his time with Forest View, Justin has broadened his skill set by working alongside the leadership team in varying roles and currently is Forest View’s Operations Manager.   

Kirrilly Calvert, Home Care Manager
Home Care Manager

Kirrilly Calvert

After 20+ years in Dental Assisting Kirrilly moved on to gain her qualification in Disability and Age Care within Forest View Care. She started out as a casual Personal Carer and over the years has developed her skills and knowledge guiding her to her current position as Home Care Manager.

Chanelle Robinson, Lifestyle Manager
Lifestyle Manager

Chanelle Robinson

Chanelle Robinson, Lifestyles Manager for Forest View Childers. Chanelle has employment experience in Business Operations, Finance/Banking and Workplace Health & Safety. However her creative flair and arts background have enhanced the lifestyle program to deliver Open Days and 40 activities each month for the residents.

John Ratcliffe, Maintenance Manager
Maintenance Manager

John Ratcliffe

John has been an integral part of Forest View for decades, supporting the residents and keeping everything in the best working order possible. He has supervised many projects to upgrade the facility.

Fiona Buckley, Catering Manager
Catering Manager

Fiona Buckley

As Catering Manager Fiona looks after the meals cooked every day for the facility, meals on wheels and home care meals; the café meals and any catering or takeaway orders. Her team has provided restaurant quality meals every day and supported our residents with individualised menus whenever needed.